Please help us promote BRF by posting “Berkeley Relief Fund DONATE NOW” logo (see below) and/or text on your website linked to and publicize via email and social media. And please email us at to let us know you are a partner in getting the word out the Berkeley community.
Media Tool Box
Right lick on any of the images below and choose to "save the image". You may also get the embed code for each by choosing to "copy image address". Otherwise click the button to get the whole .zip file.
Donate Buttons
When you use the button, have it link to
OR -- just copy this code snipit and paste into your website
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Donate to Berkeley Relief Fund "height="113" width="146" title="transparent background">
OR -- just copy this code snipit and paste into your website
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Donate to Berkeley Relief Fund "height="136" width="102" title="transparent background">
OR -- just copy this code snipit and paste into your website
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Donate to Berkeley Relief Fund "height="113" width="146" title="transparent background">
Link to the Live Event
To send people to the live event (this website), you can send the link (, or use the QR Code graphic.

Promote the fund in general
Use these images to promote through social media, web, emails, etc.